超賢 Chao Xian : I BATMAN

Weeknotes 7

(1 minute reading time)

This past week, I have mostly been ill.

Last Monday I scraped through presenting about the team’s work to the Tech Community. CRINGE. But later on I helped my pal and instructor in JKD, Jon Glassman, teach his final women’s self defence class at GDS. Good fun but also a little bit sad.

Did team planning for the week, my 1-1 with my line manager and then with one of the people I support. I was told that I’d had some very nice feedback about me from the Content Designers. I love this bunch of humans.

The next day on Tuesday, I managed to fix a blocker in our e2e tests (with hints from a couple of much cleverer people than I). I had to create a card to tidy it up and fix it properly.

But then from Wednesday on (which happened to also be the first day of my 2ndline shift and I felt pretty bad for bailing) what felt like a mild cold esclated into a horrible one. A bit like flu. I spent all of the rest of the day and Thursday sleeping on my sofa. Friday I started to feel a little bit more human, but it’s still lingering even now.