超賢 Chao Xian : I BATMAN

Am I a cyclist now?

In the Before Times there wasn’t much more frightening I could imagine doing in London than cycling on its roads. The exposure of my unarmored, vulnerable body to the psychos in vans, SUVs and Prius is truly terrifying.

(5 minutes reading time)

My Best Of 2021

Our second year of the Pandemic has felt both different yet the same as 2020. I could go on about how horrible it’s been, how angry it makes me that too much of the world hasn’t really treated this appropriately, especially idiotic anti-maskers and anti-vaxxers. But instead of my usual rant, here are the best things from 2021!

(17 minutes reading time)

You suck, imposter syndrome!

No matter how often people tell me I’m great at whatever, I don’t believe it deep inside. It’s only if I tell myself that, repeatedly, I sometimes start to be convinced maybe I don’t suck.

(2 minutes reading time)